Understanding Primitive and Non-Primitive data types in Java

Ardi Jorganxhi
8 min readFeb 29, 2024


Java, like many programming languages, utilizes distinct data types to organize and manipulate information. This introduction delves into understanding the two fundamental categories: primitive and non-primitive data types. By exploring their characteristics, storage, and application, we’ll gain a clear understanding of how these building blocks shape effective Java programs.

Data types in Java are splitted into two types: Primitive and Non-Primitive. Both data types are widely used and serve for different purposes in code organization and optimization. Let’s take a deeper look to them:

Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types are the fundamental building blocks for storing and manipulating data in the Java programming language. They are predefined by the language itself and represent basic values like numbers, characters, and true/false statements. Unlike non-primitive data types, they are not objects and don’t have any associated methods.

Java’s primitive data types offer a set of predefined, immutable building blocks for storing and manipulating fundamental values. These simple and efficient types have fixed sizes, reside directly in memory for faster access, and avoid object overhead for memory efficiency. However, their limited functionality and lack of inheritance capabilities mean they are well-suited for basic data operations but may not be ideal for complex data structures or advanced functionalities, which are better handled by non-primitive data types like classes and interfaces.

Primitive data types in Java excel in performance and memory efficiency. Their direct memory access, lack of object overhead, and smaller sizes allow for faster operations, comparisons, and manipulations by the CPU. Additionally, their efficient caching contributes to quicker retrieval. Furthermore, since they don’t require object-related memory allocations, they consume less memory compared to non-primitive data types. However, it’s essential to remember that choosing the right data type involves a balance between performance and memory usage. While primitive types offer these advantages, their capabilities and range may be limited compared to non-primitive types like String. Therefore, selecting the appropriate data type requires careful consideration of both performance requirements and memory constraints.

Primitive Data Types in Java:

  • byte: Stores small whole numbers (8 bits) ranging from -128 to 127.
  • short: Stores whole numbers (16 bits) ranging from -32,768 to 32,767.
  • int: The most commonly used integer type (32 bits) with a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • long: Stores larger whole numbers (64 bits) ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
  • float: Stores single-precision floating-point numbers (32 bits) for decimal values, offering less precision than double.
  • double: Stores double-precision floating-point numbers (64 bits) for decimal values, offering more precision than float.
  • char: Stores single characters using Unicode (16 bits).
  • boolean: Represents true or false (1 bit).

Here is an example of code for using primitive data types in Java:

byte byteVariable = 30;
short shortVariable = 10000;
int integerVariable = 1;
long longvariable = 12L; // add L as long prefix
float floatVariable = 25f; // add f as float prefix
double doubleVariable = 15.0;
char charVariable = 'A';
boolean booleanVariable = true;

Primitive data types serve as the foundation for data manipulation in Java. Their simplicity, efficiency, and direct memory access make them ideal for storing and working with basic values like numbers and characters. But they’re not a best practice for complex data manipulation or using as data structures for complex operations since they don’t provide the same flexibility as non-primitive data types.

Non-Primitive Data Types

Unlike predefined and simple primitive data types, non-primitive data types in Java are user-defined, offering greater flexibility and complexity. These reference types store references to objects in memory, allowing for diverse structures like arrays, strings, and classes. With associated methods and the ability to participate in inheritance hierarchies, non-primitive data types provide rich functionality and code reusability, but come with the trade-off of increased memory overhead and slightly slower access compared to their primitive counterparts. Choosing between them depends on the specific needs of your program, prioritizing efficiency for basic data and embracing complexity and flexibility for advanced scenarios.

Non-primitive data types in Java, unlike their predefined and efficient counterparts, offer a world of user-defined complexity and flexibility. These reference types store memory addresses (references) pointing to actual objects in the heap, enabling diverse structures like arrays, strings, and classes. With the power of methods defining data manipulation and the ability to inherit functionalities from other non-primitive types, they provide rich functionality and code reusability. However, this flexibility comes at a cost. Compared to primitive types, non-primitive types incur memory overhead due to object headers, methods, and fields, and their access can be slightly slower due to the added layer of indirection through references. Choosing between them becomes a trade-off between efficiency for basic data and embracing complexity and flexibility for intricate scenarios.

Some Non-Primitive Data Types in Java:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Arrays
  • Class
  • Interface

Here are code examples for non-primitive data types in Java:

// String

String stringVariable = "Example";
// Integer

int first = 5;
int second = 7;

int comparison = Integer.compare(first, second)

It’s worth to mention that int is a primitive data type but Integer is a wrapper class that serves for int to be used as non-primitive data type.

What are wrapper classes in Java?

In Java, wrapper classes act as a bridge between primitive data types and objects. They provide a way to encapsulate primitive data types (like int, char, etc.) into objects, allowing them to benefit from object-oriented features.

// Arrays

int[] array = new int[2]{1,2};
int arrayLength = array.length;
// Classes

class Person {

String name;
String surname;

public Person(String name, String surname) {
this.name = name;
this.surname = surname;


class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Person person = new Person("Name", "Surname");

// Interfaces

interface Shape {
double getArea();

class Circle implements Shape {
double radius;

public double getArea() {
return Math.PI * radius * radius;

In contrast to their simpler counterparts, non-primitive data types in Java offer a versatile and powerful realm for building complex data structures and functionalities. Unlike predefined and efficient primitive types, they are user-defined, employing references to store and manipulate objects in memory.

Let’s understand better difference between values and references in Java:

Value types (primitive types) store actual values, and copying a variable entails copying the value, ensuring changes in one variable don’t affect another. Reference types, on the other hand, store references to data, and copying a variable involves copying the reference, not the actual data; changes made through one reference impact the shared data. In programming, value types are simple and efficient, suitable for independent data, while reference types enable complex data structures with dynamic memory allocation, albeit with added overhead. During compilation, values of primitive types are stored directly in memory, while references to objects are managed, leading to more intricate memory operations.

Key differences between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types


  • Primitive: Fixed size, predetermined by the programming language (e.g., integer always takes 4 bytes).
  • Non-Primitive: Variable size, depending on the complexity of the data they hold.


  • Primitive: Stored directly in memory, holding the actual value.
  • Non-Primitive: Stored as references in memory, containing the address of the actual data location.


  • Primitive: Immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed after assignment. Modifying a primitive value creates a new copy.
  • Non-Primitive: Mutable, allowing their values to be modified after assignment. Changes affect the original data referenced.


  • Primitive: Compared by value — two primitive values are equal only if their actual values are identical.
  • Non-Primitive: Compared by reference — two non-primitive values are equal only if they reference the same memory location.


  • Primitive: Generally faster due to simpler storage and direct manipulation.
  • Non-Primitive: May have slower processing due to reference handling and potential memory allocation/deallocation during operations.

When to use which?

In choosing between primitive and non-primitive data types, consider the complexity of the data and the trade-off between efficiency and functionality. Use primitives for fundamental data and simple operations, while non-primitives are better suited for complex data structures, object-oriented features, and storing text. Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific needs of your program.

For example in Spring Boot development, the decision between primitive and non-primitive data types follows the same principles as general Java development:

Use primitive data types when:

  • Storing basic values: When dealing with data like age (int), price (double), or success flag (boolean) in methods, controllers, or entities.
  • Passing arguments: Primitive types are generally preferred for method arguments due to their smaller size and efficiency, especially when dealing with large numbers of arguments.
  • Performance is critical: If specific operations require the utmost speed, primitives might be preferred, particularly for simple calculations and comparisons.

However, Spring Boot heavily leverages the object-oriented nature of Java, making non-primitive data types essential in many aspects:

Use non-primitive data types when:

  • Modeling entities: Spring Data uses JPA (Java Persistence API) which relies on classes (objects) to represent database entities. These classes will typically have several properties of various data types, not just primitives.
  • Data binding: Spring MVC uses data binding to populate object properties from request parameters or form data. This process often involves non-primitive data types like String for text fields or custom objects for complex forms.
  • Collections: When dealing with lists, sets, or other collections of data, non-primitive types like List<String> or custom object collections are necessary.
  • Encapsulating logic: Spring encourages a modular approach, and creating custom objects with methods can encapsulate specific functionalities related to data manipulation or business logic.

Additional considerations:

  • Spring Boot auto-boxing: While you might declare a primitive in a method argument, Spring Boot can automatically convert it to its corresponding wrapper class (e.g., int to Integer) if needed. This provides flexibility but can impact performance slightly.
  • Performance optimization: In most Spring Boot applications, focusing on overall architecture and good coding practices is often more impactful than micromanaging primitive vs. non-primitive usage for performance optimization. However, in specific performance-critical scenarios, evaluating the data types might be necessary.

Remember, choosing the right data type depends on the specific context and purpose of the code. Understanding the trade-offs between efficiency and functionality will help you make informed decisions for your Spring Boot projects.


Java offers two distinct data types: primitive and non-primitive. Primitive types, predefined by the language, hold basic data units like integers, characters, and booleans, excelling in efficiency but lacking methods. In contrast, non-primitive types, created by programmers, represent complex objects and collections, offering rich functionality through methods and the ability to be null. Understanding this distinction is crucial, as choosing the right type determines the balance between performance, memory usage, and the complexity of your data representation in Java.

Thank you for reading :)



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